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geht es um den Zustand der Ukrainischen Armee, z.B. werden gezielt Leute von der Straße eingezogen und direkt in Infanterieeinheiten gesteckt die an vorderster Front kämpfen. Diese sind dann oft >40 Jahre und sind den physischen Fitnessanforderungen nicht gewachsen.
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“The quality of the replacements is not good. They’re rural guys aged 43 to 50, sometimes with health problems,” said an experienced infantryman fighting near Avdiivka.
Tired fighters note bitterly that when they go on leave in big cities such as Kyiv or Dnipro, they see able-bodied men in their 20s and 30s frequenting gyms, bars and hip restaurants.
“We don’t have full-on mobilization” of society, said a drone operator with the Ukrainian Navy’s special forces, known by his call sign Dobro. “But it’s a necessity. We can’t do without it.”
Und wenn du dann eingezogen wirst versprechen sie dir erst du wirst nach deinen Fähigkeiten eingesetzt, nur um dich hinterher doch in die Infanterie zu stecken es sei denn du hast Genug Kohle und kannst den Beamten bestechen.
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During a break from fighting the Russians, an avuncular rifleman recalled how he was going for a haircut one day when he was press-ganged into joining the Ukrainian army.
Three recruitment officials accosted the stocky, gray-haired 47-year-old outside the barber shop in his small hometown, ordered him to get in a car and detained him for two days in a dark room at the local draft center until he had signed up.
“I got my haircut at the training camp,” he said.
Now known by his military call sign Dubok, the former electrical engineer offered to serve as a technician in the rear. “But to get that job, you have to pay bribes,” he said. Instead, he was sent to join an infantry unit depleted by months of hard fighting. His battalion of the 47th Mechanized Brigade is defending the city of Avdiivka against waves of Russian assaults, the biggest current battle in Russia’s relentless war on Ukraine.